21st October 2024
 Clapham Counselling & Psychotherapy

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Questions and Considerations

Who seeks therapy?
People from all walks of life consider therapy for any number of reasons at different times in their lives.

What will happen in therapy?
Therapy is a safe, confidential and non-judegmental space for thinking about feelings in private, allowing for reflection and change, growth and development as and when the client is ready.

Exploring concerns?
Exploring concerns whether they be difficulties or aspirations happens through the developing relationship with the therapist, who the client feels understands them and supports by commenting and interpreting in a way that aims to seek understanding. Often these concerns can be new (i.e. work redundancy), longstanding (i.e. relationships), troublesome (i.e.difficult past events) and conflicting or negatively confirming results that the person experiences in a way that is limiting. The therapeutic space is about working through this for change to happen in a deep and lasting way.

Why would I choose therapy?
Therapy is for people with a wide range of concerns from all backgrounds. Some people are looking for meaning in their lives, have a sense of dissatisfaction about themselves or concerned about their reality of a lack of fulfilment. For other people, anxiety, depression or relationship difficulties are what they want to find a way of dealing with. Therapy is a choice to attempt making sense of life experiences that remain inacessible to meaning and purpose for moving forward in life for the present and future.

How long is a session?
Sessions last for 50 minutes and are held on a regular basis. This is usually discussed during the intial meeting with the therapist.

How long does therapy last?
My therapeutic practice does not define the length of a therapy. This is discussed and worked out in the initial meeting based on each client's needs and concerns.

I have heard that it can make me feel worse, is this true?
There are times in therapy that acknowledging feelings that may have been avoided for some time such as loss in various ways, traumatic events, disturbed past, present relationships or behaviours where the client can feel down or depressed. This is where the relationship with the therapist is important and the therapy is given time for the client to work through these feelings and move on to a more fulfilled sense of self.

I have heard that people can become dependent on therapy...
Building a relationship in order to seek meaning and understanding can stir feelings of dependancy. This is useful where the therapist can be trusted to be dependable and honest where the client finds their way forward towards an independent life.

I can usually only speak to my family but this causes problems, what will happen with a stranger?
In the beginning the therapist is a stranger, a new relationship on the same day at the same time every week for the client to have entirely for themselves. There is no demand to share this relationship with others as happens with family and friends and so keeps the relationship primarily for the clients needs and concerns.

What happens if I have nothing left to talk about?
Beacuse therapy fosters the clients' understanding of themselves, once initial concerns, issues and difficulties begin to feel understood and make sense, the therapy usually moves into exploring how these difficluties can form patterns in experience and get worked through in the relationship that develops with the therapist.

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it."
Anais Nin

© Clapham Counselling & Psychotherapy for Guti Ltd •• powered by WebHealer •• Last Updated 14/6/2018